miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2024

PERUVIAN NOVEL MOTE by Daniel Gutiérrez Híjar - Chapter 02

All the sacrifices that poverty demanded,

they endured with resignation.

Franz Kafka


Posso tocarla? (Can I touch it?)

Mote looked at the old man, then down at his lifeless, limp member; and, reminding himself that every moment was part of a great sacrifice, he pulled himself together, put on his best face, and told him yes, it was fine, he could touch it.

Giacomo Ferrini, Italian doctor, retired, seventy-eight years old, wealthy, and solely concerned with enjoying the fleeting pleasures of life, extended his white, thick, hairy arm towards Mote's exposed and downcast bulge. How the hell have I ended up in this situation? thought the Peruvian as Giacomo began to rub his genitals.


It was a Monday; a day off for Mote, though he would have preferred to spend it working, earning money. Unfortunately, the odd jobs he'd been given (and the ones he’d found himself) had ended the previous week. He was supposed to spend that Monday looking for more gigs. In his situation, he couldn’t afford a day off. In Peru, Roxana, his wife, and Alice, his daughter, were counting on the money transfers he had been sending them regularly for the past six months. However, he felt an existential exhaustion. I deserve a little break, he told himself. Breaks are useful too. If you’re smart, you can use them to plan ahead, mate, to study your next moves and not screw things up, he convinced himself.

He was sitting on one of the benches in Sempione Park, one of the largest in Milan.

Mote sat at one end of the bench. He was drinking a Moretti, a beer that reminded him a lot of Peruvian Pilsen, a drink he had consumed to excess during his wildest nights in Huancayo, back when he had loads of dirty money and was living the high life.

Suddenly, an older man, tall but slightly hunched, sat at the empty end of Mote’s bench. He crossed his legs and fixed his gaze on the people happily strolling by.

Mote didn’t pay him much attention and kept drinking his beer. But soon enough, the man, shifting his position and leaning slightly towards Mote, asked him: Non sei di qui, vero? (You're not from around here, are you?)

The Peruvian had already mastered Italian. Mote was brilliant with numbers and finance. That had allowed him to unravel the secret mechanisms of the financial institution where he worked and pocket money that would have taken him centuries to earn honestly. But his six months on Italian soil had revealed another remarkable talent: mastering languages. Few South Americans managed to learn the basics of Italian in six months. Mote not only grasped the basics in that time, but also the more complex aspects. Italian was now added to the languages he had learned from birth: Spanish and Quechua.

No, sono peruviano. (No, I'm Peruvian)

They chatted. Mote exuded good vibes. Just looking him in the eyes, hearing two or three words from him, you could feel he’d be a good friend. In Huancayo, he was much loved. Even the cops who arrested him when his embezzlements were discovered had been his schoolmates, with whom he had built a strong friendship over the years. In his role as a financial analyst, Mote had approved every loan they asked for. He wasn’t too picky with the requirements when it came to helping a mate. That’s how Mote was. Thanks to these cop friends, in the obligatory press photo, Mote appeared with his head down. Every detainee had to look straight at the camera, and if they didn’t, the cops guarding them were supposed to force them to. Mote wasn’t forced to do anything. His mates let him hide his face.

Angelo Facchetti, a retired industrial engineer, seventy-nine years old, filthy rich, and an incurable traveller, was charmed by Mote. He immediately empathised with the sad story Mote told him: a South American immigrant surviving on brief and tough jobs in Dante’s homeland.

Ti pago cinquanta euro per pulire casa mia. Che dici? (I'll pay you fifty euros to clean my house. What do you reckon?)

It was an offer Mote couldn’t refuse. Angelo gave him his home address. The next day, Mote was to show up at nine in the morning to start the job.


Angelo Facchetti and Giacomo Ferrini were very good friends. They had met on a gay virtual forum. Both had bid to sleep with the most beautiful youth ever offered on the forum. Angelo and Giacomo reached the peak: one thousand euros. They asked the forum administrator to facilitate their internal communication. The administrator provided them with phone numbers. They talked. A coin tossed in the air decided that Angelo would be the first to sleep with the lad. Then it would be Giacomo. After that, they both built a solid friendship.

Angelo knew that Giacomo was dying to try a South American cock again. It was one of his biggest desires. But it had to be the cock of a reliable South American, one who wouldn’t steal from him or do him harm. The first and last South American he had tried had been an Ecuadorian who stole part of his watch collection.

Non preoccuparti. Questo sudamericano è un angelo. (Don’t worry. This South American is an angel), Angelo told him.

Un angelo come te, caro. (An angel like you, darling), Giacomo replied, and they laughed.

Giacomo couldn't stop asking his friend if he had already hooked up with Mote.

No, caro. L'ho visto fare la doccia un giorno e ho visto che, sebbene la sua pelle fosse lattiginosa, la linea del suo sedere era marrone. Ma so che ti piacciono quelle rarità sudamericane. (No, darling. I saw him taking a shower one day and noticed that, although his skin was milky, the line of his backside was brown. But I know you like those South American rarities), they laughed again. Giacomo confirmed that yes, he was indeed melted by those rarities, that he liked to bury his tongue in those South American brown stripes. And he sighed as he recalled the brown stripe of his wicked Ecuadorian.


When the door of that enormous house opened, Mote confirmed his suspicions: Giacomo Ferrini, the doctor who claimed to be a close friend of engineer Angelo Facchetti, was a real faggot. It was enough to see how he had welcomed him; wearing white briefs and a completely unbuttoned silk shirt.

Since entering the splendid home, Giacomo hadn’t stopped showering him with attention.

La casa è molto grande. (The house is really big), Mote said, while Giacomo guided him through his palace. The doctor, who wasn’t stupid, picked up on Mote’s veiled message: the bigger the house, the higher the payment.

Nessun problema, caro. Pagherò quello che ordini. (No problem, darling. I’ll pay whatever you ask), Giacomo said.

After the tour, Mote estimated that the fair payment for cleaning the house (which, by the way, sparkled with cleanliness) should be around seventy euros. Giacomo agreed with the figure.

Ma prima di iniziare, perché non ti fai un bagno rilassante nella mia vasca? Fa molto caldo fuori e ti ho visto mezzo surriscaldato. (But before you start, why don’t you have a relaxing bath in my tub? It’s really hot outside and I’ve noticed you’re a bit overheated), Giacomo suggested. The white, curly hairs on his chest fluttered with the gentle breeze that refreshed the room with its large windows.

Oh no, Mote thought, this old mate wants a root. Confirmed. I won’t touch the broom, not even by accident. I’ll earn those seventy euros, and maybe more, in another way. I’ll figure something out.

Mote completed his degree in Economics at the National University of Central Peru, NUCP, ranking among the prestigious top five of his class. He was a very clever bloke. The strategies he applied to solve any type of problem were formulated in his mind with unusual speed. It was no wonder Mote emerged victorious in every university chess competition held. He had the unique ability to foresee four or five moves his opponent could make in any given situation.

Thus, it was easy for Mote to devise a master move that would unleash the fervent passions of the good doctor Giacomo.

Ottima idea, signor Giacomo. Ma ti dispiacerebbe se mi spogliassi nel tuo salotto? Qui è più fresco. (Great idea, Mr. Giacomo. But would you mind if I undress in your lounge? It’s cooler in here)

There was no need for Mote to repeat his proposal; Giacomo, eager as a YouTuber promised a few bucks to shave an eyebrow, gladly accepted the idea and offered to help him undress. He approached Mote and unbuttoned his shirt. When it finally fell away from Mote's body, his firm chest was exposed, along with abs sculpted from years of soccer training in Peru, when he was part of the reserve team for Sport Huanca.

Sei forte! (You're strong!), Giacomo exclaimed, filled with enthusiasm and excitement; he had a beautiful South American body before him. This time, he set aside all the manners he had learned at the exclusive and ancient Catholic school, Francesco Cicognini, and dared to place his hand on Mote's solid pectorals without asking for permission. Mote wasn’t annoyed. He knew things were flowing just as he had in mind. Even more so, he took Giacomo’s adventurous hand and directed it towards his abdomen, closer to the pubic area. Mi ci è voluto molto lavoro per ottenere addominali strappati. (It took a lot of work to get these ripped abs), he told him.

Permettimi di aiutarti con i pantaloni. (Let me help you with your pants)

Mote sat down on Giacomo's favourite armchair (an action Giacomo found adorable) and unbuckled his pants. Giacomo, grabbing the hem of the garment, pulled it towards himself, and voilà, his future employee was left in mere underwear.

Desire consumed the Italian; it made him drool. Driven by it, he knelt before Mote, who, lounging in his armchair, looked like a young Alexander the Great about to receive an intimate caress from his teacher Aristotle.

Those little eyes are begging for cock, Mote thought, looking at Giacomo in front of him, kneeling, his eyes eager like a dog staring at a steak swaying before its gaze.

Vuoi vederlo? (Do you want to see it?), Mote suggested.

Once again, repeating the proposal wasn’t necessary; Giacomo dug his fingers into the edges of Mote's underwear and pulled it down, sliding the garment down his hairy legs. The limp cock of the Peruvian was at the mercy of the cool breeze that swept through the room.

Che bel cazzo sudamericano! Che bel cazzo sudamericano! (What a beautiful South American cock!), Giacomo repeated. Posso tocarla? (Can I touch it?), he sighed, yearning, without taking his eyes off the exposed sex.

Prego (Go ahead), Mote said.

For twenty minutes, Giacomo stroked the member of his little South American Alexander when the situation called for something more intimate. He glanced back at Mote. Mote understood.

Prego (Go ahead), he told him again.

The conspicuous Italian doctor took the South American cock into his mouth.


On the bus home, Mote reminisced about certain scenes from the curious interview he had had with the retired doctor Giacomo Ferrini.

This old mate really sucked my cock, bloody hell. No one has ever done it like that. Not a tranny, not my soccer mates from Sport Huanca, not my girlfriends, not even the Italian hookers—no one, no one has done it like that, with that delicacy, with that harmony, running his tongue over it like it was the delicate wing of a light fan, Mote recalled, indulging in the famous Rubendarian alliteration.

The Peruvian still couldn’t believe he had gotten hard in response to the stimuli of an old, hairy, bald bloke. A great blow job, from whoever it comes, man, woman, or tranny, can revive even the most lifeless cock, he concluded.    


Mote had promised Giacomo (while the latter handed him a hundred shiny euros) that he would return the next day to “continue” with the cleaning work. But that didn't happen. He didn't go back. He made excuses, claiming to have colds, hangovers, and a whole slew of alibis he had never imagined he could come up with.

Looking in the mirror as he put on the little gold earring in his left earlobe before heading off to one of the jobs that, thanks to his contacts, had come his way again, he reaffirmed to himself that he wouldn’t return to Giacomo’s house: That old mate is going to want to get it on. He won’t be satisfied with just a simple blow job. No way. Stuff that. I’m going to wear him out with my rejections until he stops pestering me.  


Mi sei mancato, caro. (I’ve missed you, dear), said the retired doctor Giacomo Ferrini, filled with joy, when he opened the door for Mote. He hugged him, and the Peruvian couldn’t help but feel the old man’s enormous belly.

Mi piacerà sentire il tuo enorme cazzo sudamericano dentro il mio culetto. (I will love feeling your huge South American cock inside my little bum), Giacomo said after giving Mote two kisses on the cheek.

The doctor invited him in and to make himself comfortable in the armchair where, two months ago, that wonderful fellatio had occurred.

Assaggerai il mio miglior vino, caro. (You will taste my best wine, dear), Giacomo said from the bar. Mote watched him intently (a repulsive fat man in his undies and wrapped in a silk robe, who was about to fulfill his dream of South American penetration in exchange for four hundred euros), but his mind kept replaying the message from Roxana, his wife in Peru, informing him that Alicita, his daughter, had had an accident at school and needed an urgent and hefty sum of money to be treated at the most reliable and safest clinic in Huancayo.

He would have liked to tell his wife where he kept the treasure of Catalina Huanca, as he called the money he had taken, in considerable amounts, from Caja Huanca, the entity where he had been a daring financial analyst. But revealing the hiding place could land his wife in legal trouble. And Mote, above all, lived to protect his family, whether he was near or far, as he was now in Milan. No one should know where the treasure was buried. Only he, if he returned to Peru, would be in a position to dig it up and use it for the wellbeing of his family.

Muoio dalla voglia di affondare la lingua nella tua linea marrone del culo, mio ​​amato sudamericano. (I’m dying to plunge my tongue into your brown line of your bum, my beloved South American), Mote heard Giacomo say as he handed him a glass of wine, interrupting his family musings.

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